Guadagnin family is chosen by CNRailway as the Eastern Region family for their commitment to volunteering in their community!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Big Trees, Loud Falls and Long Walks

On of the reasons we wanted to stay near Parksville was its centrality to the sites on our list for Day 2 on the Island. We didn't have enought time to go all the way to Tofino but would be heading to the famous Qualicum Beach, Little Qualicum Falls and of course, Cathedral Grove with possibly a stop in Coombs to see the goats.

I had already been down the southern end of the beach collecting shells and rocks with my coffee. Over breakfast, we had watched sea lions feeding with sea gulls and I could still hear them calling to each other. The tide is going out again after its 7:30 am high tide. You can almost see its progress along the beach. I'd say 2 km out is the low tide. We walked the whole area finding sand dollars and clams digging under the sand waiting for the tide to rise again. We also realized that the clouds are gone and in their place is a horizon of snow covered mountains. These are on the mainland with two mountainous islands between them and our beach.

The kids begged for another swim (I forgot to type that in last night's fun) before we had to check out so I took them up while Rugge went for a beach walk. Some lovely ladies had just ended a quilting weekend and loved hearing our Olympic stories. After a swim, Gabe decided to get Rugge for a game of tennis and I took Jesse and the girls to the park area. I taught Marina how to play tether ball! Blast from the past. As we were walking back to the cottage, we passed Rugge who said. "This place is totally our style hey? Why don't we stay another night?" I was so excited! We really were having a ball at this very family friendly resort, staying in a idyllic cottage which reminded us all of our own summer cottage.

We spent the morning at the resort. With a big tummies full of spaghetti, we were off for the natural tour! Qualicum Beach taught us that Brant Festival occured every March and April. No dogs are allowed on the beach because the Brant geese fly from Mexico to Alaska with only one stop on the way - Qualicum Beach! Incredible. I picked up a good map of the mountains we'd been staring at and we were off to Hwy 4. With more time we could have followed 4 to Tofino which we heard is the most gorgeous place in BC but, alas, we are only going half way to Cathedral Grove near Cameron Lake. First stop was Qualicum Falls. There was absolutely nobody around! We hiked to the falls, took pictures and hiked some more. I just love the mini-ferns growing over everything and the moss covering everything. The falls have so much power, its mist floating in the air, catching the light.

Next stop was Cathedral Grove! We took the Old forest path where we found huge trees, moss, ferns, mud and took lots of pictures, the next tree always bigger than the last! The kids were getting tired so Rugge and I left them in the truck and quick-walked the New forest where there is more new growth in amoungst the hollowed out tree trunks. We found many tree's root systems towering above our heads. One such system was an obvious photo spot so I climbed in for the memory.

It was getting on in the afternoon so to abate the crankies, we stopped for icecream before heading on to Coombs. We just missed the historic shop's closing time but could see where the goats were kept and where they had free reign on the roof tops during the day. Oh well. On the way home we stopped for some dinner groceries for a great beach side bbq of snapper, halibut, chicken and weiners with marshmellows to roast. Beach Acres supplied the roasting sticks but God provided the sounds of the waves, the light of the moon and the love we have for each other!

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