Guadagnin family is chosen by CNRailway as the Eastern Region family for their commitment to volunteering in their community!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Boo-hoo on BC Ferries

So we really do need to check out today since we fly home tomorrow! With that sobering thought, I really want to enjoy our last day and I'm really glad we stayed to prolong the vacation feeling.

Rugge took the kids to the pool while I did the packing and straightening. The girls were home first to help out with their bags, Gabe and Rugge played some tennis. We had all the things out for the 11 am check out but stayed for a beach walk since the ferry we want doesn't leave until 3:15. Rugge had walked north along the beach and wanted to show us some neat things he'd seen the day before. It is a little blustery today but we didn't want to miss our last chance to stroll the Parksville Beach. Tide is out so we were walking on mushy sand, finding cool shells and even cooler coloured rocks: purple, green and blue. There is a stump with its root system sitting on the crest of the beach. Over the years, people have stuck driftwood tree trunks in with the stump. It looks like a sea urchin in driftwood. We took some self timer pictures with the mountains in behind.

We said our good byes to the beach and cottage after a "polish off whatever we can" lunch. We're all set for out BC ferry ride from Duke Point to Tsawwassen for a packing spree evening. We get to the ferry in lots of time so we head to the park for a bit until the incoming ferry has unloaded. I just can't help singing some Chris de Burgh! We're loaded and out of the car to find the kid play place. Gabe is happy to watch tv, Jubes is playing with Jesse, Rugge is in the gift shop, Nina is floating around and I'm on deck! This ship has a enclosure outside on the deck right at the front of the ship where you can stand almost on the edge and still be inside. Later in the ride, I had Rugge and Nina out there spotting porpoise fins. The wind is pretty fierce and chilly so the exposed deck is too frosty! Of course, the whole ride is spectacular.

We're back at the Seiberts before sundown and Rugge immediately starts cleaning out the car for its return. Gabe is playing street hockey for the last time with the boys, the girls are doing their good bye rounds, exchanging addresses and emails. I'm indoors packing and doing laundry. It all seems to fit in and with a little repacking after the kids are asleep, it's all done. Rugge returns the Expedition with Tim's help after a quick stop across the border for a gas fillup.

Tomorrow's a 7:30 start with JoAnne preboarding us (it is great staying with a travel agent!) and two cars carrying the Guadsquad to the airport... hopefully we all get a good sleep!

Big Trees, Loud Falls and Long Walks

On of the reasons we wanted to stay near Parksville was its centrality to the sites on our list for Day 2 on the Island. We didn't have enought time to go all the way to Tofino but would be heading to the famous Qualicum Beach, Little Qualicum Falls and of course, Cathedral Grove with possibly a stop in Coombs to see the goats.

I had already been down the southern end of the beach collecting shells and rocks with my coffee. Over breakfast, we had watched sea lions feeding with sea gulls and I could still hear them calling to each other. The tide is going out again after its 7:30 am high tide. You can almost see its progress along the beach. I'd say 2 km out is the low tide. We walked the whole area finding sand dollars and clams digging under the sand waiting for the tide to rise again. We also realized that the clouds are gone and in their place is a horizon of snow covered mountains. These are on the mainland with two mountainous islands between them and our beach.

The kids begged for another swim (I forgot to type that in last night's fun) before we had to check out so I took them up while Rugge went for a beach walk. Some lovely ladies had just ended a quilting weekend and loved hearing our Olympic stories. After a swim, Gabe decided to get Rugge for a game of tennis and I took Jesse and the girls to the park area. I taught Marina how to play tether ball! Blast from the past. As we were walking back to the cottage, we passed Rugge who said. "This place is totally our style hey? Why don't we stay another night?" I was so excited! We really were having a ball at this very family friendly resort, staying in a idyllic cottage which reminded us all of our own summer cottage.

We spent the morning at the resort. With a big tummies full of spaghetti, we were off for the natural tour! Qualicum Beach taught us that Brant Festival occured every March and April. No dogs are allowed on the beach because the Brant geese fly from Mexico to Alaska with only one stop on the way - Qualicum Beach! Incredible. I picked up a good map of the mountains we'd been staring at and we were off to Hwy 4. With more time we could have followed 4 to Tofino which we heard is the most gorgeous place in BC but, alas, we are only going half way to Cathedral Grove near Cameron Lake. First stop was Qualicum Falls. There was absolutely nobody around! We hiked to the falls, took pictures and hiked some more. I just love the mini-ferns growing over everything and the moss covering everything. The falls have so much power, its mist floating in the air, catching the light.

Next stop was Cathedral Grove! We took the Old forest path where we found huge trees, moss, ferns, mud and took lots of pictures, the next tree always bigger than the last! The kids were getting tired so Rugge and I left them in the truck and quick-walked the New forest where there is more new growth in amoungst the hollowed out tree trunks. We found many tree's root systems towering above our heads. One such system was an obvious photo spot so I climbed in for the memory.

It was getting on in the afternoon so to abate the crankies, we stopped for icecream before heading on to Coombs. We just missed the historic shop's closing time but could see where the goats were kept and where they had free reign on the roof tops during the day. Oh well. On the way home we stopped for some dinner groceries for a great beach side bbq of snapper, halibut, chicken and weiners with marshmellows to roast. Beach Acres supplied the roasting sticks but God provided the sounds of the waves, the light of the moon and the love we have for each other!


With the Maritime Museum behind us and the meter on our rental running low, the kids and I took the long way back through China town with Rugge heading to the parking lot. China town's entrance is a gateway called the "Gate of Harmonious Interest". The kids recognized the red dragon from promotional brochures. The street was lined with paper lanterns and fans... Fan Street! It was a short walk past noodle shops and asian markets back to the waterfront. A light rain had started so we zipped up our CN wear for the last part of the walk. But we've noticed that a rain like this is almost expected and people are ready at all times for some wetness. We neared the car just as a float plane was making a landing on the Inner Bay... Cool!

The next stop would be north of Nanaimo but we were all very hungry. A movie played in the laptop for the kids, Rugge and I discussed where to eat. Halfway to Nanaimo we found Duncan with a classic four corners of stores intersection. The choice was either "Dog House" or "Salty's fish and chips". Dog House won the vote but I still ordered fish. We picked up some groceries for our stay on the island and jumped back in the car for the last leg of the drive... only 45 min or so to Beach Acres Resort, a cottagy beach stay I found online.

The sun had set when we reached Parksville but the way was clearly marked to the Resort. I had called on the way and our cottage was ready. Cottage #2 is right on Craig's Bay Beach and outfitted with a double bed room, a bunk bed room and a kitchen/living room space. The sliding door and deck face the beach. Once the bags were unloaded, we all headed out to see the tide. Sandy had advised us that high tide was 7:30 pm but low tide was 1:30 am. The water was right up to the bramble of driftwood tree trunks but it had reached its peak. We started a bonfire in the concrete well pit. The stars were lovely! Orion was clearly in the West. Jesse was ready to hit the hay so Rugge took him in while the girls and I went for a beach walk. The tide had left us enough room and the rising moon gave us enough light. We strolled along chatting until, in the distance, we heard a strange noise. I knew it was sea lions but the girls stopped in their tracks having never heard such a honking bray before. I assured them that the sea lions were far off but they insisted we turn around for the cottage. Off they went to bed and we followed after one glass of wine and a last peek at the moonlit beach.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"Oh the Island Life is the Life for me"

I cried many times today. It's the breath-taking beauty of BC that stops me short and makes me whisper "Thank you Lord".

And I've seen a lot of beauty...

We started a little later than planned but when do Guadagnins get up at 5:30 am? Rugge and I had a tough time sleeping so instead of the 7 am ferry, we went with the more realistic 9 am ferry, a 7:30 wake up call. The family had packed the night before while getting ready for bed so it was just a matter of waking, dressing and eating then out the door. The ferry is not 10 minutes from the Seiberts so we made it in good time for the line up. We chose the ferry from Tsawwassen to Swartz Bay near Victoria so we could travel through the Southern Gulf Islands to the East of Saalish Peninsula. I couldn't wait! So Starbucks in hand, we boarded the ferry and exitted the rented Ford Expedition to find a spot on deck. It was raining a bit but we knew the sun was shining in the distance!

The ferry has 2 indoor decks with outdoor walkaround decks and one above deck on top of the ship. I stayed outside pretty much the entire time, enthralled with the mountainous islands and dazzling horizons. The sun was behind the clouds making for really interesting lighting on the rippling waters of the Straight. The kids were inside playing in a kids area, watching tv and looking out the windows for the 2 hour ferry ride. So many of the people on the ferry must take this trek daily judging by their ability to ignore the scenery. I was amazed by every minute.

We landed in Swartz Bay and with only one way to drive, we headed south for our downtown Victoria visit. Just before reaching the heart of the city, we detoured to the east for the "Scenic Route". The route took us through beautiful residential areas and out along the coast. We stopped at a Look out and spotted the Washington mountains in the distance. Wow. The shoreline rocks were covered with little tidal pools which Marina began searching for sea anemones... which she found! Unfortunately, Jesse got a bit of a soaker and Nina stepped in a pile of poop so we had some tears and some cleanup before moving on. Thanks to Jo's packed cooler, we also grabbed a quick snack.

The last part of the Scenic Route took us past Beacon Hill park with its totem poles and look outs. We made our way down Government Street which reminded us all of Ottawa's Sparks Street and we wondered if we should really be driving down it. Parking was found on Wharf street on the Inner Harbour of Victoria. What a lovely city! I know why it is on the list of top ten cities to visit! Bastion Square was adjacent to our parking lot so we walked there to find the Maritime Museum. We had planned this one purely educational stop for the day. It took some settling, but we finally enjoyed seeing the ship models, historic information and of course, the real ship where we had a hard time getting the kids to stop playing.

To be continued...

in brief...

Thursday the 25th - recouperate day: slept in, drank coffee, watched Olympics
Friday the 26th - more sleeping in, went to a mall, drove for the first time in 2 weeks,
Saturday the 27th - even more sleeping in, cleaned, Rugge is home today, we watch Olympics, try to plan next week, get giggly with Jo and go to bed late
Sunday the 28th - big day, needs longer entry
Monday the 29th - sleep in, Jo takes me to Point Roberts, shop and eat cinnamon buns, kids go swimming, pack for V.Island, pick up rental

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Cliff had offered an early start on our last official CN Olympic Day. 6:30 am came pretty quickly but I was pumped to get started on our touristy day. By the end of today we will have been to two must-see attractions and watched two deal-breaking hockey games.

I got quite the grumpies in the van. Guadagnins are not naturally early risers! But the Vancouver Aquarium is in our path and by the time Cliff has us through Stanley Park and to the Aquarium door... we are cheering! What a spectacular time! First we checked out the Giant fishes of the Amazon, walked through the Rainforest Region and took a million pictures of the giant turtle and sharks. The Dolphins had a show on next... I've never seen these west coast dolphins with white stripes down the length of their bodies! They did their jumping and splashing but we didn't notice the wetness since it was raining steadily by that point. After the show, we asked some questions then went on to stare at the belugas. Wow! So huge and yet so fluid! I loved hearing their clicks and clacks as they talked to their babies. There are two moms and two calves swimmming around this fairly huge enclosure. You can see them at the surface or go below to the underwater area. The displays use modern technology and are very well done. We watched short videos on the Arctic way of life and listened to recordings of the many different beluga communication sounds. We were in the area, so stayed for the beluga show. Some good information but the best part was the beluga spraying the spectators. I learned that this behaviour is used for hunting in the wild but only served to add to the sogginess today.

We watched the otters swimming for a bit before returning indoors for the frog feeding. The displays are pretty boring (frogs don't really do that much) except for the tadpole display you can stick your head into to look for the little swimmers in different stages of metamorphosis. The frog feeding was already in progress: the guide was faking out the frogs by sticking her thumb into the top of the cage causing the frogs to all jump at it and not out the tank. She then dumped a tupperware of live crickets into the tank, all over the frogs. These huge bullfrogs started jumping all over the rocks, into the water, on top of each other... to get the frantic crickets. Jesse had a front row spot and was laughing so hard! One bullfrog in particular must have been extrememly hungry... so hilarious.

Next on the schedule was a 4D movie about Ocean Animals. We've never been to one before but were handed a paper warning us of frightening scenes. How frightening could it be? I didn't take it too seriously. Just a standard warning I thought. Well, I was wrong! All of us were laughing, screaming and jumping out of our seats reacting to the well-timed and choreographed effects. Well done! I read later that there is a 4D movie all about Ontario at the Ontario Pavillion. We'll have to check it out! Out of the movie we toured our last display on the BC shoreline. The variety of the jellyfish amazed us all! and the colours! I loved watching Jesse with the magnifying glass looking at 3 week old plankton-type creatures in a display tank. Gabe couldn't leave the underwater snake tank, waiting to watch one eat the unsuspecting goldfish (dinner!). Marina loved the anemones so we took her by the beach to see if the tide was out, nope, another day. Julianna kept ducking into the fluorescent fish cubicle! I just stared at those intricate jellies while Rugge loved the interactive BC coast salmon tracking monitor. We left the Aquarium in awe of God's creation: so unimaginably varied and creative! Created in intricate balance with one another and to the finest detail. Loved it.

We'd spent 4 hours at the Aquarium by now and were getting a little hungry so we jumped back in the VANOC truck to find a Wendy's. There hasn't been any fast food yet this trip so it was a treat we all agreed on. Cliff guided us to the nearest one over the Lions Gate bridge and waited while we filled up on jr bacon cheeseburgers and frostys.

Off to our downtown stop at the Vancouver Art Gallery. Leonardo DaVinci is featured in a free exhibit during the Olympics: The Mechanics of the Human Body. His drawings from his notebooks are displayed along with quotations, inspiriational, on the walls. I just loved it. I've been a Leonardo fan for a long time so to see his originals was just breath-taking. It was a quick stop but worth it to see this man's impact on science and art. On the way out I exclaimed, "I really enjoyed that!" to which Gabe replied, "You always enjoy this stuff mom so it's no surprise". So I'm predictable! That's ok.

Our drivers had switched out by the 3:30 pick up. We were all sad to say good-bye to Cliff our morning driver, it was probably the last time we would see him, but glad to see our afternoon driver, Csaba, again. I know, it is tough living the rock star lifestyle! They both have been kind to us and we've gotten quite close. As volunteers who live in the city, their knowledge is a huge asset to our trip and their confidence in the routes is a stres-reliever. Without them, our vacation would not have been the same! They definitely went above and beyond their volunteer call of duty!

Csaba drove us to Tsawwassen in time for us all to join the Seiberts for the hockey game. While supper was prepped by the women (mostly Jo!) with Tim floating in and out, the hockey fans raged, cried and cheered along with Canada as the men took their victory over the Russians. We were glad to be heading into town for our last Olympic event with CN, the Sweden and Slovakia game, but it would have been unbelievable to be at the Canada Russia game. With Csaba back behind the wheel, we headed into Canada Place for our 9 pm game. The streets were still packed with Canadian fans, red and white the only clothing colour choice available on a night like this!

There we met Jamie, Rugge's high-school buddy, and made our way along the concourse to our front row seats (with a quick 'hi' to lead guitarist Dave from 5440!). Unbelievably, our tickets are for the 3rd row from the ice, directly beside the Sweden bench! It was like they were playing at our Wellington Duke Dome we were sitting so close! The hockey players are huge! During warm-ups, I got some great close-up shots of the Swedish players including Alfredsson and the Sedins, although we are secretly cheering for the Slovakian team thinking it'll be a easier win for Canada for the gold medal! Game's on and the play is fast and hard. Some fun moments when the puck gets close or a player gets checked - the whole plexiglass sways back and forth from the force of impact! Wow. Such a tense ending but the Swedish team can't pull off the win. Chara did a great job leading his line! It was interesting watching all the dynamics at the bench without the commentary to fill you in!

Rugge is off now to spend a couple days with Jamie so we say good-bye. Gabe and I hop over to McD's for a on-the-way-home snack. Csaba is quickly losing his voice so it was a quiet ride back to the Seiberts' home, we're tired and our driver is voice-less.

Another amazing day. As Gabe and I chatted, we realized it was a day of 2s: 2 attrations, 2 fast food restaurants, 2 hockey games and 2 of our favourite drivers to whom we say "Come to PEC and we'll return the favour!".


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Changin the Shorts Day

Well since I was up so late blogging last night, I just had to sleep in. The girls had left with Joanne to walk Faith to school and the boys were ... in front of the TV! Surprise Surprise! Too much Olympics to catch up on!

Eventhough the sky is finally trying to cloud up we decided to head up to Capilano Suspension Bridge. Go check it out online and you will know why I was particularly freaked out. The bridge (which was originally made out of hemp and wood!) stretches across a deep gorge created by a dragging glacier and the Capilano River. Crazy high. Even without a wind and no one else on it, it swings. Yikes. So guess what? It was windy! And people, like my rebellious son, were on it infront of me. JoAnne was pointing the camera at me but I wasn't posing. I was hanging on to both railings and NOT looking down! Marina wasn't so good with it either and Julianna basically ran across so she wouldn't have to linger. The three of us had a sob hug on the other side then geared up for the "Tree Top Adventure" - the tree version of the bridge we just went over. They did a really nice job lighting up the trees and stringing bridges between these gorgeous huge trees covered in moss. I couldn't stop taking pictures! and touching the bark.

The gift shop held our attention for about an hour but the rain had done its worst and we were soaked through. Coffee time! A salmon hatchery is just down the road so we made our way out down the Capilano River. Closed. I took some great pictures though! Now it is about 5 so we know we will be heading into some traffic on the way home. With Rugge following behind Jo and I, it was kinda tricky to make the right turns. When we had to do a U turn on the bridge, listening to honks but thankfully no sirens, Rugge said he needed a change of shorts. Good thing we had put ribs in the crock pot! Dinner's ready. Skating's on!

Tonight it'll be early bed for an early start...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Boundary Bay Beach Day

Day... what is it?...8? of gorgeous weather? Spectacular day today! Over our morning coffee, Jo and I plan out the next couple days if the weather holds out. Today is Boundary Bay.

Packing includes beach toys, chair, blanket, dog and of course weinies and smores! Now the Guadsquad has spent a fair share on beaches: County, Florida, Michigan... but being surrounded by Mountains like Lionhead, Grouse, Seymore and Mt. Baker... Wow. The kids thought they'd be swimming (It is the Pacific! says JoAnne) but polar plunge was not on the program. Rugge started a huge fire with BC driftwood. Snap, Crackle, Pop. Marina and I started with a walk to shell and rock hunt. The colours of these rocks are amazing: red, purple, white, green. Brilliant. Hot dog time! Gabe had cleaned off some sticks for us so the roasting started. Only one minor mishap, my hotdog fell off my stick but I only got a little burn salvaging it! Smores came next, a perfect blend of graham, mellow, chocolate and Boundary Bay salt air.

The girls and I went for a hand wash and met some really nice people feeding the ducks. I don't know what it is about the sun in BC but everything seems brighter. The ducks shone! The green of their necks was irradescent! More amazement. The nice people shared their duck pellets with the girls while we chatted about the sites.

Rugge was way out with the receeding tide when we returned to the beach spot. I just had to catch up! It was wetter than it looked walking in the ridges of sand. The main shell is the purple and smooth clam shells. We found them every step still attached and looking like mauve angels' wings.

The kids have started sand castles with JoAnne while we were out walking. So funny. Nice Easter Island Jo! Back at the campfire, I dried my socks on the piled up fire. I guess we are staying a while! Gabe has nicely slashed his finger in 3 places carving wood with a knife... 13 year olds! We're wiping off the sand now, gathering the stuff from far and wide and even gathering some dry wood to take home. Beach day is over, tears are running down Jesse's cheeks - "I don't want to leave". He can barely walk to the car. Poor thing, so tired.

Sunday Street Party

Guadsquad and Siebert crew are heading to The Way church at the Silver City Theatres. Love how church can be so different and yet the people love and want to serve the same God. Kids loved the cinnamon buns and fruit, adults loved the testimonies of God working in people's lives.

Another Gorgeous day here in BC so we just have to start a street party! All of Jo's street comes alive with kids pouring out of houses to play hockey, ride bikes and do a little meet and greet. Joanne and I started the furniture on her drive way and by the end of the afternoon, the sun had moved and so had we, to the other side of the street, into the neigbour's driveway. Snacks came out, wine came out, more parents joined in and there you have it, a street party.

The Canada and USA hockey game started with scores yelled out the door. Slowly, everyone headed in to watch the game and make dinner. Lots of cries and shouts through out the game but it didn't help the outcome. After the loss, Rugge was eager to check the game schedule since we have tickets to the Game on the 24th. Seems that we do not have the Canada Russia game tickets.... much disappointment.

We've settled in. Laundry has been washed and dried. Gabe knows how to work the tv and wii. Rugge is working the computer. Marina and Julianna have made friends with all the girls on the street. Jesse and Faith keep each other playing until they drop into bed. Tim is off to fly the helicopter. JoAnne is staying up later than usual. And I'm so relaxed form all this spoil'n. We are milking every minute.

Zio Tony and Tsawwassen

Saturday! The day has come... the day of departure from the CN extravaganza. We have had the time of our lives living in the Howard Johnson, being driven to our events, the amazing seats at the events, meeting the rock stars and celebrities, not thinking about food costs for the family, being in the Olympic hot spot and making these memories together as a family.

We had done some packing last night so we finished off the rest (which always takes longer than I think) and were picked up for the luggage run to Tsawwassen where JoAnne and Tim live, our hosts for the next two weeks of our vacation. These are the two weeks vacation Rugge was granted as holiday to match the contest. We are so grateful.

After the trip to Tsawwassen and back, Cliff (of the best driver team of Cliff and Csaba) took us back to HoJo for the boy pick up. Rugge has an uncle in East Vancouver he hasn't seen in 20 years. We found it! What a lovely viist! What a family resemblance! Rugge and Zio Tony have the same nose and cheek bones! Allison and Tony made us a beautiful dinner while chatting with Rugge while Amelia their daughter took the girls, Jesse and I to the park. The afternoon ended too quickly but with many many pictures to capture the moments and gestures. Lovely.

Csaba arrived to take us home to Tsa. for the beginning of part 2 of the trip. JoAnne, Tim and Faith were waiting for us with open arms. Yeah! We are so looking forward to being in their home. They seem pretty excited too. Hopefully they think the same way after two weeks of the Guadagnin Invasion!

Fancy Pants

Friday. Pick up was scheduled for 10... in our fancy clothes. CN has booked a second lunch for us at Cin Cin today. Cliff had a great idea to start off our day: why not go for a tour around to the places we haven't seen yet! So we were in our fancy clothes ready for the tour and drop off at the restaurant for lunch.

Cliff started off by taking us along the Fraser River at the top end of downtown, along by the torch cauldron and on to Stanley Park. Aaaah! The beauty! We are getting closer and closer to the mountains and they are more and more beautiful! Of course, we are taking many many pictures to share with you later.

We begged to stop just as we crossed into Stanley Park. There are boats resting along the shore and the sun is shining on them... I have to get a picture. I meet some more people from Ontario and we are all very aware of the incredible scenery and weather. We hope back in the truck to continue the round. When we pass the northern tip of Stanley Park, Cliff directed us to a hollowed out tree where we stopped for some pictures. Gabe pointed to the sky... EAGLES!! yeah! More pictures.

Just for the fun of it we went across the Lionsgate Bridge and back. Cliff is so much fun. Past Second Beach and Third Beach. We stopped at the Vancouver Maritime Museum for a pee break and I took the opportunity to run to the shoreline. People were there with their dogs, throwing balls, having fun. Super gorgeous day. With only a little time left, Cliff takes us for a quick tour of Granville Island. So cute. We'll have to head back there at some point.

Cin Cin is waiting to host us for the afternoon. Between beverage matching, appetizers, primi, pasta, secondi, desserts and apperetifs, it took us 3 hours to enjoy all it had to offer. The children were wonderful, the staff so professional and the atmosphere so rockstary (our new adjective). We loved it.

Out into the crowds, we walked back to the hotel room for a little digestion time before our driver came to drop us off at the last Victory Celebration of our stay. I loved that Northwest Territories was featured. Although Canada did not receive any medals tonight, we really enjoyed the last opportunity to be at this party. Theory of a Deadman was a little too loud for the younger kids so we left Rugge and Gabe to enjoy the concert. We found out later that they were given tickets to the floor space infront of the stage so, at the hotel, the girls and I spotted them on MuchMusic!

We took the chance to start packing knowing that tomorrow would be the last day. Off came the fancy pants, on went the pj pants.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Ice, Ice and an Ice Princess

9 was the earliest we could rouse ourselves after our third busy day. With no real plans for the morning, we ate in two shifts: earlier risers and late starters. The consensus was head down to BC Pavilion for the mascot skate and see how much time we had left for a little ice time ourselves.

There were soooo many people! The stage area beside the ice was hosting some Haida people performing their dances and song to a packed house of onlookers. The ice area was surrounded 5 people thick to see the mascots. We squeezed into a great little spot at one end of the ice. Jesse was right at the glass while I stood behind him using my (lovely new Canon SX 1 IS)camera to look over the crowd to the skating mascots. Nice little presentation: dancing jelly fish, the whole mascot story and lots of close up opportunities. We loved it. Jesse got to shake hands with Sumi when they did the rounds after the show... a highlight for him.

It was one of my to-do list items to try and rent skates. Well, it happened! Marina, Julianna and I only had to wait a couple minutes to rent our skates and head to the ice. Remember, it is over 10 degrees out today with a full sun shining. This is no Picton or Wellington arena skating! Definitely not Ottawa canal! So, it was lovely. I, especially, had a blast. Rugge, Gabe and Jesse watched street performers, videoed us and watched the bags (with just a wee bit of complaining from a certain 13 year old who would have rather gone back to the hotel to watch tv of all things to do!). ha.

With not much time before the 3:00 pick up, we raced back to the hotel, changed into the red and white, and snacked. First stop was to drop off Gabe and Jesse at the airport, Terminal 2 with Tim Seibert our helicopter flying friend. They were off to the Seiberts for some hang time while we were at figure skating. I heard that they got the tour of the hanger. I'd like to hear about that tomorrow! Thanks Jo and Tim!

Czaba, our driver got us to Pacific Colesium in time for the introduction of the judges. Our seats are not the front row of the short program but we met lots of neat people! Actually, our seats were no-existent due to space created for accessibility so we got to choose from a couple spots. I picked the seats above the Olympic ring entrance across the ice from the same kind of entrance but where the skaters wait to receive the scores. It was a great spot for visibility and star-gazing. We recognized the woman behind us right away but forgot her name... Josee Chouinard! She graciously signed our tickets and posed for a picture with the girls. Just down the row from her sat Guy Fieri from Dives, Drive-Ins and Diners fame. I got a couple pictures with my 20x optical zoom but also met him later in the hall for a close up. We had other broadcasters and rich people sitting with us but everyone sounds the same when they cheer on their favourite skater!

Chan was our hopeful. He had a gorgeous run and deserves his top spot. We loved seeing him in number one right up until that last set of skaters came on! But that last set was truly amazing. So high were their jumps! So expressive compared to the first rounders! So confident. Plushenko and Lysacek were top favourite from the beginning. We were so thrilled to see them finish so close at the top. Now, we live figure skating all winter but... not quite like this. To see it performed so beautifully and with such strength! It amazed me what and how these men could do these moves!

Medals are presented, boys picked up, late night feast before bed and a little blod to end the day. All set for an early start for tomorrow with a city tour, Cin Cin and the last Victory Ceremony. Thursday ends as the day for being on ice, seeing men on ice and meeting an ice princess.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Rockstar Wednesday

One party after another... that is what if feels like. I could get used to this!

Rugge described it as a "week long Canada Day" to the interviewer this morning. We were called by the CN Magazine for an update of our trip and that's how he described it. So true. And having organized Canada Day Celebrations in Wellington for 5 years, the Guadsquad knows exactly what that means.

We didn't have anything to go to today except a photo shoot for the CN Magazine. Lloyd met us at the BC Pavillion where they have a little skating rink and daily skates with the mascots which we'd like to catch one day. We were so conspicuous taking pics right in the middle of all the crowds in our CN clothing! Lloyd was off to shoot the next family at the torch so we decided to join them and see how the torch fencing was changed.

They decided to move the fence closer to the torch, create a gap in the fencing to allow for photos and provide a second floor access to see the torch. Interesting. The funnest part of being in that area is the pin collectors. There are people trading and selling all the Olympic pins for this year as well as former years. They are so cool! I like the pin of the torch itself: silver with a gold flame. I might have to buy one of those. Gabe is really getting into it, buying and trading and wearing his pins on his junior hockey Team Canada jersey.

From there we walked to a restaurant Rugge had scoped out on a midnight walk called the Transcontinental a railway restaurant. We lounged, recouperated and headed back through the throngs to the hotel. Jess was starting to crash so Rugge hoofed it to the hotel while the girls and I checked out the BC Pavillion skating fees and did some shoe shopping on the way back (we had to squeeze in some boot shopping in the land of tall boots and skinny jeans!).

Just a little crash time before we were picked up for the Victory Celebrations. Tonight the gold medal is going to a Canadian so it'll be a hoot. We called up Joanne and Tim since Rugge and Jesse decided to stay back. We had quite the fun at the Celebration singing O Canada and screaming with the crowd, laughing at Ben Mulroney and feeling like a rock star ourselves. We have floor seating so when you see the flags hoisted during the medals, we are sitting directly to their left. We haven't seen ourselves on the screen yet but... Then Paul Brandt performed and really got the crowd going so that was fun too. Even Country music can be enjoyed in that setting!

Back to the hotel (we're getting quite good at this celebrating thing!) with Tim and Joanne for some wings, nachos and laughs. Very full days, very heavy sleeps...


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cin Cin and Chan

Day 2...

A little bit more of a sane start today. With such a late night at the Victory Ceremonies, it wasn't hard to sleep.

Today is going to be a fun day, one that Rugge especially has been eager to see come: lunch at Cin Cin (Vancouver's highly acclaimed Italian restuarant). We tried to eat a light breakfast then just hung out in our room until it was time to get dressed up. The restaurant was a few blocks away so we left time to get dressed up and walk down.

We had chosen our fanciest clothes for the lunch also to be attended by CN executives. It was kinda cool strolling the streets of downtown Vancouver in our duds. Cin Cin is in the heart of Vancouver but it's entrance is a stairway leading up to the second floor. It was far from packed but the ritziness isn't for your average tourist. One driver thought we might very well see some rock stars or celebrities. Today, we were the ones who felt like rock stars. In typical Italian fashion, we order primo, fromagio and secondo. Rugge just drank it all in, taking advantage of the full range of the menu items. It was joked that none of the rest of us would be ordering for ourselves but Rugge would be chosing for us so, in fact, he would benefit from 6 three course servings. Fancy dishes, which I could not spell for you, arrived in a constant flow for the 3 hour meal. They were delicious to the palate as well as the eye. Once the last expresso was enjoyed, the girls, Jesse and I ran to our drive ready for the next highlight of the day.

With a quick change and a our tickets around our necks, the 4 of us were driven to the Pacific Colesium past the PCE fairgrounds. I think I was taking there 18 years ago by Heather and Christian? Beautiful Mountain backdrop again! The show is just starting as we take our seats: second row from the ice and right across from the cameras! I had facebooked friends to look for the waving Canada Flag so I made sure to drap the flag over the unoccupied seats in front of us. The show was organized in 3 groups of 2 sets of skaters separated by a rink flooding. We had arrived during the first 6 minute warm up. The lower ranked skaters were to start the competition but some skaters hadn't competed for a couple years and began again specifically for the Olympics.

Marina, being the figure skater of the family, knew the skaters and the moves but learned so much from seeing the skating so beautifully performed so close she could almost feel the spray from their skates as they went by. Plushenko has been one of her favourites and he rocked his program staying in first through the whole night having skated in an early group being an unranked skater. There were some "oooh" and "aaah" moments when skaters performed beautifully but there were many "oops" times with falls and singles instead of triples or quads. Of course a highlight was watching Chan skate to cheers and wild support from the crowd. We left the arena thankful for the amazing tickets, that we had a driver to take us home, and that we'd be coming back for long program on Thursday. My camera took some amazing pictures which I'll have to post somehow.

Back to the hotel where Rugge had just arrived with Gabe, friend Jamie, and our friend JoAnne (whom we will be staying with during week 2 and 3) with her friend. Since we could not all go to the Victory Ceremonies that night, Rugge had given our tickets to friends for the show. And what a show it was! Barenaked Ladies (I love Ed Robertson!) rocked the BC Place thrilling especially JoAnne!

It was my first time seeing JoAnne so Rugge took Jesse up to bed while the rest of us ordered some wings and chips and kept the party going. There won't be any problems sleeping tonight.


Day One

I know, I know... it was supposed to be a daily update. But is has just been tooooo busy!

Day One started off early! Poor Jesse woke up at 4:30 with his body still in Eastern Time. So and early start down to breakfast and with no real plans for the morning, we decided on a downtown walk. Some streets are closed off but packed with very enthusiastic Canadians. We made it all the way to see the torch burning. Ah, those mountains in the background make a perfect backdrop!

Now, you may have heard of the commotion around the fencing. The torch is walled with a chainlink fencing covered in a Olympic banner. Some people have cut away the banner in places so at least we can see the torch! Since the complaints started coming in that there isn't even a spot to take pictures, they've changed the set up... but not by much. I got some good shots though!

But it was really fun to just walk around, take in all the Olympic hype in the city which I expect will only build! Now for the real fun! Rugge and the kids are heading off to the Men's Speed Skating at the Richmond Oval. Laniards are handed out with tickets and VIP passes, CN clothes are on and the transportation is here to pick up the family. Jesse and I went down to see them off and ended up jumping in for the first drive. It is so beautiful outside, such a lovely drive.

Off they go to the event, Jesse and I head back to the hotel for some down time. I turned on the tv to hear that a zamboni accident had delayed the event and called Rugge for an update. They had seen quite a few skaters but were waiting for the ice to be prepared. Instead of waiting it out, Jesse and I picked them back up to go to the Victory Celebrations! Every night there is a party at BC Place to televise the awards presented at Whistler, a live medal performance as well as a concert. With Alex Belideau receiving the gold... we had to be there!

Once we found our seats... Wow! What a party! We can see the white circular ceiling art hanging above and it registers that we are sitting in the same room as the Opening Ceremonies were held! Just the thought of that sends a thrill through us. The medal presentation was unforgetable with the singing of O Canada an incredible experience. Seeing Alex receive the gold with that big smile on his face... fun.

Back to the hotel with an exhausted troop, we fell into bed and hoped to sleep in to at least 7 tomorrow?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Life is a Highway...

Vancouver is sooo beautiful!

It was great getting picked up yesterday... a great way to start a long trip: someone else driving! Henry was professional from start to finish packing our bags in the van, holding our elbow into the van, keeping us on time. It was going to be close but it saves a lot of time being dropped off at the door! All we had to do is walk in (with our 14 bags) right up to the Air Canada check in and voila! The camcorder was rolling the whole time for our video journalling assignment for CN.

A part of the bonus of the trip is a per deium allowance for food. Isn't it in the realm of imagination to eat at the airport? Like, when does a family of 6 actually sit down and order a full meal before getting on the plane. Really. Full tummies boarded the plane for 5 hours of movie watching and window gazing. Pretty uneventful. But again, I've never ordered onair food so it was nice to eat cookies and carrots before landing!

Landing... wow! The mountains! The clouds! The sunset! All amazing. All the CN clothes back on and out the plane we went. Fun airport! Lots of Olympic posters and photo ops... Off to baggage. Now to the airport when only a LIMO can hold a family of 6 and their 14 bags! We drove through Vancouver (a balmy 9 degrees) with neon lights on and sunroof open listening to all the whooping and hollering of Olympic revellers.

Nothing more fun to say since at this point we were starting to crash. Rooms are assigned, pjs put on and food is scoped out.

Nothing more fun to say except... Life is a Highway: Tom Cochrane! I spotted him at the airport in Toronto, videoed him sitting in first class as we entered the plane and then we bumped into him at baggage claim. Rugge asked him if he could video him and all of us started singing "Life is a Highway". Then I just had to tell him that 18 years ago when I was last in Vancouver, I was on a road trip with my friend Bec driving the Caber Pass while his song was singing the same line "from Caber Pass to Vancouver lights..." I thought that was pretty cool to tell him. He smiled. I just looked up the lyrics... It's not Caber Pass but Khyber Pass! Ha, that's funny.

Life is a Highway on the Guadsquad Adventure!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pick up at 11:30!

Today is the day! Just having my coffee, checking my blog (tee hee), calming everyone down.

It's 9 and pick up is in 2 1/2 hours. This is what I still have to do: pack myself (it took me all day yesterday to pack everyone else), eat breakfast, write out pet lists for Roman the house sitter, call the neighbour and ... probably ten other things I can't think of right now.

We're going to look pretty smart though! All decked out in our CN wear with our CN bags. They've sent us 3 boxes of hats, scarves, mitts, coats and other clothing as a part of the winnings. The coolest item would be hockey jerseys with a CNR Maple leaf on the front and our names on the back. Spiffy!

Some of you have said you wanted to look for us! We'll be wearing our gear! Monday's event is 17:00 Individual Men Speed Skating. Tuesday is 16:15 Men's Speed Skating Short Program (Marina is so excited!). Thursday we'll see the Men again at 17:00 Free program. Then we wait a bit for a Quarter Final Men's Hockey Game on Feb. 24. We'll be checking out tickets for other events. Pretty cool that they matched some of our interests with the tickets.

If you want to check out where we are staying it's the Vancouver Howard Johnson Boutique and while you are googling look up Cin Cin where we will have the hotty totty dinners! I hope I packed the right clothes!

You can see how overwhelming this trip is when you see it written out. Crazy. We feel really honoured. I hope at some point in all the interviews and articles that will be written we have a chance to express how we received blessings and just love giving it out. It is our family's heart to give from the life we've been given in Christ Jesus our Lord. We volunteered before this trip and we'll volunteer when it's all said and done.

Next time I post, we'll probably be at the hotel!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Just One More Sleep!

Ok! I did it! Blogging!

Good thing the late night watching the beginning of the Opening Ceremony did affect our beauty sleep! The day started with a photo shoot with CN Magazine on our new pond. My, my, my it was cold but we looked great in our CN wear: hockey jerserys, hats, mitts.... all gifts for us from CN.

Hot chocolate is gone and so are Rugge and Gabe to a last house league hockey game. For the girls and I it's cleaning, laundry and PACKING with the Olympics on in the back ground of course!

The kitchen table is loaded with everything to pack for the 3 week adventure. Week one is the main event: staying 5 minutes away from the Olympic village in downtown Vancouver, 4 Olympic events, doing the CN media. What a treat it will be staying so close to the center of the action! We have a men's speed skating event and 2 men's figure skating with a quarter final hockey game in the second week. Each of the kids has been researching a sport we will be attending so they're pretty primed! What a homeschooling learning adventure too!

This whole experience has been wonderful so far for us and we aren't even in Vancouver! Pick up time (I don't have drive to the airport!) is 11:30 am. We'll be Ready!
