Guadagnin family is chosen by CNRailway as the Eastern Region family for their commitment to volunteering in their community!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Life is a Highway...

Vancouver is sooo beautiful!

It was great getting picked up yesterday... a great way to start a long trip: someone else driving! Henry was professional from start to finish packing our bags in the van, holding our elbow into the van, keeping us on time. It was going to be close but it saves a lot of time being dropped off at the door! All we had to do is walk in (with our 14 bags) right up to the Air Canada check in and voila! The camcorder was rolling the whole time for our video journalling assignment for CN.

A part of the bonus of the trip is a per deium allowance for food. Isn't it in the realm of imagination to eat at the airport? Like, when does a family of 6 actually sit down and order a full meal before getting on the plane. Really. Full tummies boarded the plane for 5 hours of movie watching and window gazing. Pretty uneventful. But again, I've never ordered onair food so it was nice to eat cookies and carrots before landing!

Landing... wow! The mountains! The clouds! The sunset! All amazing. All the CN clothes back on and out the plane we went. Fun airport! Lots of Olympic posters and photo ops... Off to baggage. Now to the airport when only a LIMO can hold a family of 6 and their 14 bags! We drove through Vancouver (a balmy 9 degrees) with neon lights on and sunroof open listening to all the whooping and hollering of Olympic revellers.

Nothing more fun to say since at this point we were starting to crash. Rooms are assigned, pjs put on and food is scoped out.

Nothing more fun to say except... Life is a Highway: Tom Cochrane! I spotted him at the airport in Toronto, videoed him sitting in first class as we entered the plane and then we bumped into him at baggage claim. Rugge asked him if he could video him and all of us started singing "Life is a Highway". Then I just had to tell him that 18 years ago when I was last in Vancouver, I was on a road trip with my friend Bec driving the Caber Pass while his song was singing the same line "from Caber Pass to Vancouver lights..." I thought that was pretty cool to tell him. He smiled. I just looked up the lyrics... It's not Caber Pass but Khyber Pass! Ha, that's funny.

Life is a Highway on the Guadsquad Adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Hey GS,
    Sorry to bog you down but I would be grateful if I could get a brief description of the contest you won so that I can put it in the paper with your pic.
    Let me know if you would like a copy of said pic and I can forward by email.
    Sorry for the notice but the paper goes to press tomorrow afternoon.
    I hope that I haven't confused you but I don't have my own account so I have "borrowed" Ricks.
    If you need my email is

    Take care and have fun,
